Designer, Tech Enthusiast, Sandwich Connoisseur
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Lowe's Pro Benefits

 Lowe’s Pro Loyalty Benefits

I am under NDA and can only show certain parts of this project! (mostly end-user result)

Project Goals & Challenges

This was a brand new page being requested by none other than the CEO of Lowe’s himself, Marvin Ellison! He was attempting to revamp and revitalize our dilapidated PRO business sector with new initiatives, branding, and programs to help drive interest and develop new customers. One such program is Lowe’s Pro Benefits, something everyone in the PRO program gets as a perk of being a member. The specific goals for this page are three-fold:

  1. Be an online source and landing point of information about the program.

  2. Serve as a tool for in-store associates.

  3. Have clear CTAs throughout to get users to sign up or learn more.

There were some immediate hurdles to this project off the bat, with an immediately obvious fact that this had direct oversight from the CEO of Lowe’s! This did not mean it was difficult to work with him, it just meant that everything I did needed to be perfect every step of the way. This page was also being made from scratch. With no previous infrastructure to start from, this meant some UX research was needed in order to start forming personas, wireframes, and then finally the design itself.

The mobile version of this page proved a significant challenge. There were many initial content asks that had to be significantly reigned-in because of the limitations of mobile platforms. Things like charts and infographics look great of big screens and in print but translating that to mobile was difficult!

I ended up spending two full work weeks on this project from start to finish with constant stakeholder communication and micro-presentations of progress every morning. While the CEO was the main driver of this project, he still heavily consulted with his PRO sector team and they were also constant sources of constructive feedback and input. Having this many “cooks in the kitchen” made the design process rather intense and resulted in lots of back-and-forth. I had to constantly educate stakeholders about Lowe’s design philosophy and practices so as to help them give more educated feedback.

In the end, after lots of collaboration and communication, we were all able to come to an end result that made everyone happy for this program’s initial start! From the time this page went live in Summer of 2022 it has helped generate thousands of account signups and conversions, ultimately leading to millions of dollars in additional revenue for Lowe’s. It has also evolved slightly in look since then, but this was “Version 1.0” so-to-speak.

Skeleton Wireframe

While there were higher-fidelity wireframes made, this is unfortunately all I’m allowed to show since this project is so new and is an active use revenue-generating page for Lowe’s. This however at least helped start the process of layout and content blocking development for the page.

Final Production Design

There are Full-View Desktop and Mobile versions below for your viewing pleasure as well as a gallery for close-up page slices.