Designer, Tech Enthusiast, Sandwich Connoisseur


What I Do

I enjoy doing all sorts of design and marketing work and have a broad range of experience in most fields of design. Being a designer in the constantly-changing world, I feel it always important to keep up to date on the latest trends, techniques, and programs to keep oneself sharp. As a life-long learner, I always strive to expand on what I know. I don't shirk away from challenges that take me outside my comfort zone as that's really the only way you can grow as a designer and as a person. 

I have a passion and an intense desire to create great designs that both catch peoples’ eye and are functional. I also enjoy working with people, educating others about design practices and process, and developing lasting relationships. When I have a project in front of me I keep at it until it's done right. I sometimes like to think outside the box; even if it’s a crazy idea, we won’t really know until we try! I am not afraid to speak up and share my thoughts. Design is what I love to do!

About Me

I love to make people laugh! Bringing a smile to someone's face can make my day. You'll find me an easy-going guy that is able to work well with others or when flying solo. I freaking LOVE sandwiches Like, you have no idea how much I love them. It's the complete food pyramid in your hand! How awesome it that? I have been involved in all things tech since I got my first computer at the age of 7. Ever since then, I knew I was destined to end up in some form of either tech or design-related field. I would spend hours on my very first computer (an old Compaq running Windows 95) playing games or messing around in Paint creating completely random things depending on my mood or current obsession. Fast forward 20+ years later and a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Design in hand, I sought out to conquer the world!

After slugging my way through several design-related, but menial, jobs out of college, I learned many important aspects about being a designer that I would never have had the chance to learn without a cold hard douse of reality. Always be true to yourself and your design, always be on time (both physically and in regards to projects), take TONS of notes, sketch out ideas so you don't forget your thoughts later, and how to know when to let go. Learning these early on in my career has me feeling thankful and blessed. It is thanks to these experiences that I've become a much more aware and well-rounded designer and human being in general. Sometimes, the best way to improve oneself is to just get dirty! There are no shortcuts in life.

Now, if you are probably one of the fortunate few who has actually read all the way down to the bottom of this spiel about myself, then sir, or ma'am, I congratulate you! If only I had some prize to give you, or some way to shake your hand, or even a high five and a nod of the head, but alas. Until the day when computers can do everything for us, all I can do is reward you with pictures of puppies and call it even from there!